Special Recycling

Special Recycling at OSU

These items cannot go in standard recycle bins, but can be recycled if collected separately.

Please read the instructions for each item on how to recycle it. This guide applies to OSU-generated materials only; we are not able to accept from the public.


special recycling guide

How to Recycle Special Items at OSU

Classified as hazardous waste, batteries are recycled by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), not Campus Recycling.

Place in nearest battery recycling bin (Valley Library, UHDS service center or Residence Hall) or request pickup using EHS's online hazardous waste pickup request form.

Includes all hardbound books EXCEPT leather-bound books. Collect in a box, mark “recycle” and either place next to a regularly serviced recycle bin or request pick-up using our online request form.

Note: Paperbook books are accepted in Paper and Commingle bins on campus.

Please see our Department Compost page for the options we currently offer.

Please see our Confidential Records Destruction page. If you shred your own paper documents, see "Shredded Paper" below for instructions.

Includes CDs, floppy disks, cassettes, VHS tapes and their cases.

Collect in a box, mark “recycle”, and place next to a regularly serviced recycle bin (our crew will pick it up the next time they’re servicing your building).

All e-waste, working or not, should be sent to Surplus Property via a Surplus Pick-up Request. Electronics are either resold or recycled, depending on their condition. 

We may be able to recycle film plastic (bags, stretch wrap, etc.) if it is stretchy, clean, dry and clear (meaning transparent and colorless; some colored labeling OK). Please contact us to discuss options.

Brand names only. Collect in a box, mark “recycle”, and place next to a regularly serviced recycle bin (our crew will pick it up the next time they’re servicing your building).

No broken/damaged cartridges or toner powder tubes (long tube-shaped cartridges for high yield (up to 20,000 copies per tube) printers, made with mostly plastic). Please discard these in trash.

No toner powder tubes please

We may be able to collect these hard-to-recycle items if they are sorted out separately. Please contact us to discuss options.

If you are cleaning out files or an office and have large quantities of paper, please use our online service request form to request a 90-gallon cart for use during your project. This is for paper only.

Request pick-up using our online request form. If you need a dumpster or bin to collect this material, please call to make arrangements.

If you shred paper in your office, collect it in a box or bag, mark “recycle” and either place next to a regularly serviced recycle bin or request pick-up using our online request form.

We are able to collect and recycle one type of expanded polystyrene packing material (a.k.a. Styrofoam) from OSU departments – the common molded block foam used for packaging and coolers that is white, brittle, and snaps when bent (we are NOT currently able to recycle flexible or spongy plastic foam). Please remove all stickers/labels and separate into a bag or box. Small quantities (no larger than a carry on suitcase) can be clearly labeled “recycle” and placed next to a regularly serviced recycle bin for pick-up on our route. For larger quantities or when space is not available next to your recycle bin, please request pick-up using our online request form.